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Immunization Reminder

Posted Date: 08/28/2024

Immunization Reminder


If your child is age 11 or age 16 the Arkansas State Immunization Law requires, at age 11 students to get the first shot in a series of 2 shots for Meningitis (MCV4) and a Tdap booster and at age 16 they are required to get the second shot of this series. DO NOT GET THIS IMMUNIZATION BEFORE THEY TURN 11 AND 16 AS THEY WILL BE INVALID. 

You have 30 days from the day your child turns 11 or 16 to get the required immunizations. Nurse Shawn will need a proof of this immunization after they get it to enter into the state Eschool page. 

If you have filed an exemption, Nurse Shawn will need proof of that filing and a copy of it as soon as you receive it from the State of Arkansas. You can find the form for this on the Arkansas State Health Dept website. We can only accept it from there. We cannot take it from a physician. If you have any questions or concerns please let Nurse Shawn know. 

You can reach her at 501-332-5468 Ext 305 until noon then at Ext. 512 until 3:10. Her email is